Looking at the map
South Sudan Composition:
Most of the country consists of Populated Rangelands (fewer than 10 persons/km2, pastured lands, net primary production is low)
Upper Nile
Parts of Unity
Parts of Central Equatoria
Parts of Western Equatoria
Parts of Northern Bahr El Ghazal
Half of Western Bahr El Ghazal
Residential Rangelands (population density is never below 10 persons/km and a substantial portion of its area is used for pasture)
Parts of Eastern Equatoria
Parts of Central Equatoria
Residential Rainfed Croplands (a mixture of cropland, forest, human settlements, pasture, and limited urban area, more densely populated anthromes. There is sufficient water to support all aspects of life without hardly any irrigation.)
Eastern Equatoria
Upper Nile
Remote rangelands, essentially wild with little sign of human activity
Western Bahr el Ghazal
As you move Eastward and Northward there are more ethnicities living in one state. Population density also increases. Some areas, such as Lakes, consist of different tribes of the same ethnic groups. Other areas, such as Jonglei, include a huge ethnic diversity, which explains heightened tensions in the area.

More disarmament activities
Eastern Equatoria
Less disarmament activities
Upper Nile
Northern Bahr el Ghazal
Western Bahr El Ghazal
Western Equatoria
Central Equatoria
Why Disarmament Failed
DDR policy was very vague, success depended on the policy that each state governor decided to implemented
Decentralised effort - no clear pattern of implementation
Institutions were weak
SSDDRC created with little human or financial capital in the South
Capacity was weak
International support was slow to arrive
SSDDRC had a building and trained staff by 2007 but State DDR commissions were barely functional
Bad timing (April is dry season, people get more aggressive)
Each state's individual security concerns were ignored
No efforts of creating safer communities, too much distrust of neighbours
No road infrastructure
Requires a coordinated effort that is not possible with the multitude of languages spoken in South Sudan as well as the lack of a proper chain of command
SPLA has poor training and is not always disciplined
Insufficient food supplies
Neighbouring tribes of disarmed groups took advantage of the situation and attacked disarmed groups, and then made money by selling them weapons. This also led to a rearming of the population.
Weapons have now developed a cultural significance and have long been a part of civilian culture and are now part of coming-of-age rituals
Community’s weapons may be a deterrent to attacks by a neighbouring community, and removing them may invite violence on that community
Collecting weapons can disarm individuals of their means of self-defense
Uneven DDR can disrupt the existing balance of power between groups, potentially creating more serious human security threats than existed before disarmament
SPLM/A gained peace through negotiation but did not have a clear monopoly on the use of power
The Violence Continues
Disarmament took place in the most violent regions in the country
The states that had more reported disarmament activities continue to be the states most actively involved in the conflict that began in 2013
The states more actively involved in the conflict are the ones where there is more food insecurity, higher temperatures, more ethnic groups living together, less precipitation, more grazing land
The conflict began in the Center/East of the country and has for the most part remained centered there
Exception: Wau in Western Bahr El Ghazal , where violence broke out in 2016
All disarmament efforts will be completely undermined by the current civil war
Further DDR plans must consider ethnicity and geography on top of security concerns